Madras High Court's Suggestion | Disburse Flood Relief via Bank Transfers
Madras High Court's Suggestion | Disburse Flood Relief via Bank Transfers Madras High Court's Suggestion | Disburse Flood Relief via Bank Transfers Challenges with Cash Distribution : The Madras High Court, led by Justice Krishnan Ramasamy, has raised concerns regarding the distribution of cash relief. The prevailing method of giving out relief funds through cooperative societies, especially during natural calamities like the aftermath of Cyclone Michaung, seems to be flawed. There have been instances of misappropriation reported, highlighting a significant flaw in the system. Misappropriation Risks and Proposed Solution : Justice Krishnan Ramasamy emphasized the flaws by sharing a personal experience from a ration shop in his village. Despite purchasing only eligible sugar, the shop's records showed purchases of wheat, oil, and more. This indicates a clear loophole in the distribution process, leading to misreporting and potential misuse of funds. Ne...