Kepler-385 Unveils Exoplanet Bounty | A Sizzling Seven-Planet System
Unveiling Kepler-385 | A Sizzling Seven-Planet System Kepler-385 Unveils Exoplanet Bounty | A Sizzling Seven-Planet System NASA's retired Kepler space telescope, a pioneer in exoplanet discovery, has unveiled a scorching revelation – the Kepler-385 system, a constellation of seven planets. These celestial bodies, basking in intense radiation from their host star, surpass even the radiant heat levels experienced by any planet in our solar system. Kepler's Exoplanet Bounty : In a meticulous analysis, researchers at NASA's Ames Research Center present an extensive catalog, highlighting nearly 4,400 planet candidates. Among these, more than 700 multi-planet systems grace the cosmic stage. The Kepler-385 system stands out as a testament to the mission's groundbreaking contributions. Characteristics of Kepler-385 : Nestled at the heart of Kepler-385 is a Sun-like star, boasting dimensions 10% larger and radiance 5% higher than our familiar Sun. ...