Exploring Binjor | A 5,000-Year-Old Industrial Marvel Redefining Ancient Indian Manufacturing
Exploring Binjor | A 5,000-Year-Old Industrial Marvel Redefining Ancient Indian Manufacturing Exploring Binjor | A 5,000-Year-Old Industrial Marvel Redefining Ancient Indian Manufacturing Introduction: The Legacy of Ancient Indian Manufacturing: The ancient Harappans weren't just traders; they were innovative producers who set the stage for present-day India's prominence in cotton, bead, and copper manufacturing. Their intricate supply, production, and distribution networks stretched from the Makran coast to the Yamuna River, bridging the Himalayas to western India. Let's delve into the fascinating world of ancient Indian manufacturing through the lens of the Binjor excavation. The Harappan Craftsmanship: More Than Just Trading: While the Harappan Civilisation's economic prowess is well-known, the intricacies of their manufacturing techniques often remain untold. Their mastery in crafting high tin bronze, bead making, pottery, and textiles...