Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities at Kolkata Airport | An Unacceptable Reality
Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities at Kolkata Airport | An Unacceptable Reality Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities at Kolkata Airport | An Unacceptable Reality Introduction : In recent news, disturbing reports have emerged regarding the treatment of persons with disabilities at Kolkata Airport. These incidents shed light on the ongoing challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and highlight the urgent need for greater awareness and sensitivity in our society. Disheartening Encounters : According to recent accounts, a lawyer with a disability was asked multiple times to stand up and walk at Kolkata Airport. Despite explaining her condition, she was subjected to unnecessary scrutiny and humiliation by security personnel. This appalling incident underscores the lack of understanding and empathy towards persons with disabilities in public spaces. Legal Protection and Rights : Under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Ac...