Breathing Clean Air | Only a Dream for Most Countries
Breathing Clean Air | Only a Dream for Most Countries Breathing Clean Air | Only a Dream for Most Countries 🌎💨 Introduction : 📑🖊️ Air quality is a major concern for people all over the world. 😔 Tiny particles in the air, known as PM2.5, can be harmful if inhaled and can lead to respiratory problems 🤧. The World Health Organization (WHO) has set a guideline for a safe level of PM2.5 concentration in the air. According to a recent study, only seven out of 134 countries met the WHO's air quality standards in 2023. That's a very low number! 📉 This means that most people in the world are breathing air that is unhealthy. Here are some of the Countries with the Cleanest Air: * Finland 🇫🇮 * Estonia 🇪🇪 * Australia 🇦🇺 * New Zealand 🇳🇿 * Grenada 🇬🇩 * Iceland 🇮🇸 * Mauritius 🇲🇺 These countries have all taken steps to reduce air pollution, such as investing in renewable energy sources and regulating emissions from factories and vehi...