India set Ambitious Goal for One-Third of Global Milk Production by 2030

India set Ambitious Goal for One-Third of Global Milk Production by 2030 India set Ambitious Goal for One-Third of Global Milk Production by 2030 Introduction : India, known for its rich dairy heritage, is setting its sights high in the global dairy industry. With an ambitious target in mind, the country aims to contribute significantly to the world's milk production by 2030. Current Status of India's Dairy Industry : India is already the largest milk-producing nation globally, surpassing even the European Union and the United States. With millions of dairy farmers spread across the country, India's dairy industry plays a vital role in rural livelihoods and the national economy. Challenges and Opportunities : Despite its impressive production levels, India faces various challenges in its dairy sector, including low productivity per animal, limited access to technology and veterinary services, and fluctuating milk prices. However, these challen...