The Power of Hugs | Understanding 6 Types and Their Meanings

The Power of Hugs | Understanding 6 Types and Their Meanings Introduction : Hug Day, February 12th, marks a time to embrace our loved ones, offering not just physical comfort but also emotional reassurance. Let's delve into the significance of different types of hugs and what they convey about our feelings. The Influence of Sides : Have you ever noticed that the side from which we hug someone can reveal a lot about our emotions? Studies have shown that most people prefer right-sided hugs, linked to the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes both positive and negative emotions. Interestingly, factors like handedness and footedness can also influence how we embrace others, with right-handed individuals tending to hug from the right side more frequently. Exploring Different Hugs : 1. Side Hug : - A casual and approachable hug often seen among acquaintances. - Signifies politeness and friendliness, but when shared with close friends ...